- dApps Development In today’s dApp development market securing your data is crucial. Time and time again we have witnessed leaks of sensitive data compromising the security of the product once and for all. Besides the expensive cost of maintaining centralized cloud storage solutions, they are a sure target for hackers as well. With the blockchain technology, however, issues like these will become a thing of the past. Casper Project: The decentralized file storage system Thanks to the blockchain technology the Casper Project has created a network where app developers can safely store their files without worrying about hackers or security breaches. Users will be able to host or save data via the system ensuring a purely economic climate, based on offer and demand. Individuals or full-scale storage data centers will be able to participate in the Casper Project. A stable business plan is set in stone with the help of the CST token, an ERC20 based token that employs ...
Сообщения за май, 2018
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CryptoGlobal is a Peer-to-Peer Decentralised Exchange. Based in London. OUR VISION & MISSION We want to make purchases and sales of digital assets as simple as possible - and as easy as possible. We want people with minimal technical experience to be able to interact with our platform and experience the power and freedom of cryptocurrency. OUR LONG TERM VISION "Our vision is to become the number one global peer-to-peer cryptocurrency service group. Offering a variety of focused solutions and products - from our reliable decentralized P2P exchanges to our upcoming international payment service. " ECO-SYSTEM MACHINE CRYPTOCURRENCY HAVE PROBLEMS PROBLEM Banks that do not have bank accounts, the gateway to global cryptocurrency investment: Despite the rapid growth of crypto currency, there are 2 billion adults worldwide without access to banking services. To invest in crypto currency, an investor must have some form of access to banking, whether it's ...
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Pension: The looming financial disaster Are governments making promises about pensions that they might not be able to keep? According to an analysis by the world Economic Forum (WEF), there was a combined retirement savings gap in excess of $70 Trillion in 2015, spread between eight major economies.The WEF says the deficiency is developing by $28 billion like clockwork and if nothing is done to moderate the development rate, the shortage will reach $400 trillion by 2050, or around five times the extent of the worldwide economy today. The gathering of economies contemplated: Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Japan, India, China, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Mind the Gap Since government disability programs were at first built up, the conditions around work and retirement have moved significantly. Future has ascended by three years for each decade since the 1940s, and more seasoned individuals are having progressively long life expectancy. With the retirement a...
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Impressio ICO Now and again, there are outlook changes, and we are on the very edge of one. At these circumstances we require a platform which can reform the fund business to make it globalized for all. A platform which is secure and can be effective for doing exchanging and fund in a solitary platform with a few rewards too consequently. Impressio Estate, Ltd, is a UK-based digital currency venture platform for customers worldwide to contribute and build up their money, paying little respect to whether it is spared in the meantime or incrementally. Impressio offers exceptional hypothesis prepares for budgetary experts of various sorts. There are various people that don't know how to begin placing assets into digital money, or essentially don't have adequate vitality and moreover imperativeness to do thusly. Impressio handles these prerequisites for them, and goes well past for their money related authorities. Impressio starting at now is based on contributing op...
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Обзор ICO INSPEM Каждый год в России и других странах пропадают миллионы людей. Это очень важная проблема, которая с каждым годом становится все острее и острее. Но несмотря на это власти и средства массовой информации уделяют этому вопросу очень мало времени, поскольку в мире существуют и намного важнее проблемы. Ни один человек в мире, не имеет страховки от пропажи одного из близких людей. Очень часто, обратившись в полицию, человек просто не получает должного к себе обращения, и никто не спешит найти его близкого. В такое время приходиться рассчитывать только на себя самого. В случае, когда люди не могут сами найти решение этой проблемы лучшим решением будет INSPEM. Лучший сервис INSPEM Платформа INSPEM начала свою роботу еще три года назад и функционирует, как платформа способна найти людей, которых кто-то встретил в ресторане, кино, метро и т.д. Разработчики платформы в скором времени начали смотреть на мир по-другому, и это способствовало новому развитию сервиса. Нова...
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Giới thiệu dự án ico PayVX – PVX TOKEN PayVX Là Gì ?PayVX Là Công Nghệ Thanh Toán Nhanh Nhất Và An Toàn Nhất Thế Giới. Dịch Vụ Ký Quỹ Tiền Tệ Cung Cấp Được Xây Dựng Trên Một Cây Cầu An Toàn Và Tạo Ra Một Mối Quan Hệ Tin Tưởng Giữa Hai Bên Đối Với Các Giao Dịch Kinh Doanh Trực Tuyến. Vì Các Giao Dịch Bằng Tiền Tệ Là Không Thể Đảo Ngược, Giao Dịch Với Các Bên Không Tin Cậy Tạo Nên Mức Độ Rủi Ro Nghiêm Trọng Cho Cả Người Mua Và Người Bán. PayVX Đảm Bảo Có Hiệu Quả Quy Trình Này, Đảm Bảo Sự Tự Tin Và Sự Tin Cậy Để Xử Lý Các Hoạt Động Đó. Tại Sao PayVX ? Tại payVX, mục tiêu của chúng tôi là đảm bảo dịch vụ thanh toán an toàn và hiệu quả nhất thông qua việc sử dụng mạng lưới thanh toán ký quỹ của chúng tôi. Tại PayVX hệ thống blockchain hiện đại của chúng tôi sẽ đảm bảo giao dịch an toàn và hiệu quả với tốc độ hoàn hảo. Người sử dụng PayVX sẽ có toàn quyền kiểm soát và minh bạch các giao dịch của họ bằng cách sử dụng hệ thống thanh toán ký quỹ của chúng tôi. PayV...
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Votem: technology of democracy Democracy (Greek word literally meant “rule of the people”), in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as “rule of the majority”. is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes depend on what participants do, but no single force controls what occurs and its outcomes. The uncertainty of outcomes is inherent in democracy, which makes all forces struggle repeatedly for the realization of their interests, being the devolution of power from a group of people to a set of rules. Western democracy, as distinct from that which existed in pre-modern societies, is generally considered to have originated in city states such as Classical Athens and the Roman Republic, where various schemes and degrees of enfranchisement of the free male population were observed before the for...